Opis produktu
Spis treści
Czasopismo naukowe „Electrical Engineering” zawiera konferencyjne materiały naukowe, w których opisano wyniki badań i analiz z zakresu szeroko rozumianej inżynierii elektronicznej.
Rodzaj: | eprasa |
Format pliku: |
Autor: | Praca zbiorowa |
Język publikacji: | angielski |
Rok wydania: | 2009 |
Liczba stron: | 294 |
Miejscowość: | Poznań |
Preface 5
1. Piotr MYSIAK, A multipulse diode converter with small active power filter 7
2. Michał SZYMACZEK, Sławomir ISKIERKA, Benefit and cost analysis of investment variants with the AHP method 17
3. Przemysław MAZUREK, Direct visualization methods for Track-Before-Detect algorithms 25
4. Krzysztof OKARMA, Digital image quality assessment using Structural Similarity index based on polynomial windows and transform-based measures using perceptually uniform colour spaces 35
5. Sławomir ZATOR, Marek KRAWCZYK, Integration of diagnostic databases with spatial model 47
6. Wojciech GIERNACKI, The comparative analysis of a control quality in systems with compensation of windup effect 55
7. Stanisław DUER, Radosław DUER, Przemysław DUER, Ireneusz PŁOCHA, Measurement system for the diagnosis of analogue technical objectes with the use of artificial neural networks 61
8. Lechosław HĄCIA, Numerical propositions for integral equations in the light field with multiple reflections 73
9. Konrad ZAJKOWSKI, Analysis of overvoltages on inductive system with varistor and capacitor 87
10. Jolanta PLEWAKO, Modeling of multipulse converters with PSIM software 99
11. Ryszard FRĄCKOWIAK, Tomasz GAŁAN, Computer aid for analysis of the load variability at the LV system – fed consumers 111
12. Andrzej KANICKI, Roman SIKORA, UPFC performance in power system 123
13. Radosław SZCZERBOWSKI, Robert WRÓBLEWSKI, Justyna MICHALAK, Modeling and analysis of a power and CHP plants using Cycle-Tempo® program 133
14. Robert WRÓBLEWSKI, Radosław SZCZERBOWSKI, Justyna MICHALAK, The computer programme for computing the energy efficiency of the systems of gas-steam heat and power small-power plants 141
15. Wojciech MOĆKO, Piotr KAŹMIERCZAK, Calculation of photometric quantities based on the image obtained from imaging element 145
16. Leszek MUSZYŃSKI, Application of IP protocol in intelligent installations remote management 155
17. Marek SZADKOWSKI, Corona between two conductors being in motion 161
18. Aleksander JASTRIEBOW, Stanisław GAD, Grzegorz SŁOŃ, Intelligent system of diagnostic monitoring for motorcar’s electrical equipment 171
19. Joanna PARZYCH, Zbigniew KRAWIECKI, Application of LabView in measurements with the use of a CDD camera 181
20. Kazimierz KURYŁO, Tomasz SITARZ, Examination of properties of soft magnetic materials by means of Epstein frame cooperating with a program developed in LabVIEW environment 187
21. Jerzy R. TCHÓRZEWSKI, The development process of electrical power system as unmanned factory 195
1. Piotr MYSIAK, A multipulse diode converter with small active power filter 7
2. Michał SZYMACZEK, Sławomir ISKIERKA, Benefit and cost analysis of investment variants with the AHP method 17
3. Przemysław MAZUREK, Direct visualization methods for Track-Before-Detect algorithms 25
4. Krzysztof OKARMA, Digital image quality assessment using Structural Similarity index based on polynomial windows and transform-based measures using perceptually uniform colour spaces 35
5. Sławomir ZATOR, Marek KRAWCZYK, Integration of diagnostic databases with spatial model 47
6. Wojciech GIERNACKI, The comparative analysis of a control quality in systems with compensation of windup effect 55
7. Stanisław DUER, Radosław DUER, Przemysław DUER, Ireneusz PŁOCHA, Measurement system for the diagnosis of analogue technical objectes with the use of artificial neural networks 61
8. Lechosław HĄCIA, Numerical propositions for integral equations in the light field with multiple reflections 73
9. Konrad ZAJKOWSKI, Analysis of overvoltages on inductive system with varistor and capacitor 87
10. Jolanta PLEWAKO, Modeling of multipulse converters with PSIM software 99
11. Ryszard FRĄCKOWIAK, Tomasz GAŁAN, Computer aid for analysis of the load variability at the LV system – fed consumers 111
12. Andrzej KANICKI, Roman SIKORA, UPFC performance in power system 123
13. Radosław SZCZERBOWSKI, Robert WRÓBLEWSKI, Justyna MICHALAK, Modeling and analysis of a power and CHP plants using Cycle-Tempo® program 133
14. Robert WRÓBLEWSKI, Radosław SZCZERBOWSKI, Justyna MICHALAK, The computer programme for computing the energy efficiency of the systems of gas-steam heat and power small-power plants 141
15. Wojciech MOĆKO, Piotr KAŹMIERCZAK, Calculation of photometric quantities based on the image obtained from imaging element 145
16. Leszek MUSZYŃSKI, Application of IP protocol in intelligent installations remote management 155
17. Marek SZADKOWSKI, Corona between two conductors being in motion 161
18. Aleksander JASTRIEBOW, Stanisław GAD, Grzegorz SŁOŃ, Intelligent system of diagnostic monitoring for motorcar’s electrical equipment 171
19. Joanna PARZYCH, Zbigniew KRAWIECKI, Application of LabView in measurements with the use of a CDD camera 181
20. Kazimierz KURYŁO, Tomasz SITARZ, Examination of properties of soft magnetic materials by means of Epstein frame cooperating with a program developed in LabVIEW environment 187
21. Jerzy R. TCHÓRZEWSKI, The development process of electrical power system as unmanned factory 195