Opera selecta, t. II: Poland, Prussia in the Baltic area from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century

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Foreword to the Collection of Works by Professor Janusz Małłek / 7 Foreword / 11 Preface / 13 Acknowledgements / 19 Part 1 POLITICAL RELATIONS BETWEEN POLAND, ROYAL PRUSSIA..., DUCAL PRUSSIA AND...
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Foreword to the Collection of Works by Professor Janusz Małłek / 7 Foreword / 11 Preface / 13 Acknowledgements / 19 Part 1 POLITICAL RELATIONS BETWEEN POLAND, ROYAL PRUSSIA..., DUCAL PRUSSIA AND DENMARK... FROM THE FIFTEENTH TO THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY From the Rebellion of the Prussian League to the Autonomy of Royal Prussia: The Estates of Prussia and Poland (1454–1526) / 23 The Union of Lublin (1569) and its Consequences / 41 The 1569 Parliamentary Union of Royal Prussia with the Crown and its Consequences / 57 Ducal Prussia and the Commonwealth of Poland (1525–1701). Political Relations / 65 A Political Triangle: Königsberg, Ducal Prussia and Poland (1525–1701) / 71 On the Political Relations between Ducal Prussia...and Denmark in the First Half of the Sixteenth Century / 87 Part 2 THE ESTATES IN POLAND, ROYAL PRUSSIA, DUCAL PRUSSIA AND NORWAY IN THE EARLY MODERN PERIOD The Contribution of Karol Górski in Introducing... Research on the Estates into Polish Historiography / 99 The Royal Prussian Estates and the Kingdom of Poland in the Years 1454/1466–1569. Centralism and Particularism in Reciprocity / 113 The Estates System: Politics and Political Culture in Royal and Ducal Prussia in the Early Modern Period / 137 Estates Assemblies in Norway in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries / 153 Part 3 THE REFORMATION IN POLAND, PRUSSIA AND SWEDEN The Reformation in Poland and Prussia in the Sixteenth Century: Similarities and Differences / 179 Poland in the Face of the Lutheranisation of Prussia / 191 The Prussian Estates and the Question of Religious Toleration (1500–1800) / 205 Religious Tolerance and Confessionalisation in Poland..and Sweden in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries / 215 Yearning for Unity. Colloquium Charitativum in Toruń in 1645 / 223 Printing-Houses and Printing in the Service of the Polish..Parliament in the Sixteenth Century / 237 The Beginnings of Humanism in Prussia / 251 The Castle Library of Duke Albrecht of Prussia in Königsberg / 263 Migration and Cultural Transfer between Poland and Sweden in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries / 267 Part 5 PRUSSIAN SOCIETY. PERSONALITIES AND PEOPLES...IN THE RENAISSANCE AND THE REFORMATION The Old Prussian Population and the Reformation / 287 Regional and National Identities. Ethnic and Confessional Minorities in Prussia and Northern Poland since 1500 / 305 Nicolaus Copernicus – Scholar, Citizen of Toruń and Man of the Renaissance / 329 Joannes Dantiscus and Ducal Prussia after 1525 / 339 Johannes a Lasco (John Laski) the Younger (1499–1560) in the Light of the Latest Research / 349 Originally published as / 363 Index of persons / 367 Index of places / 383


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Format pliku: pdf
Autor: Janusz Małłek
Język publikacji: polski
Rok wydania: 2013
Miejscowość: Toruń