kryminał, sensacja, thriller

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To London Town

To London Town

A widow and her two children struggle to make ends meet in East London after their grandfather and provider is killed. First they are threatened by a sponging uncle and his friend Mr. Butson, a...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
Divers Vanities

Divers Vanities

Arthur Morrison, who was English novelist, short story writer and journalist, wrote pioneering realistic narratives about working-class life in London’s East End. He is also celebrated for his...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
Fiddle o’Dreams and More

Fiddle o’Dreams and More

Morrison’s literary reputation is mostly based on his realistic novels and short stories about slum life in London. In addition, he wrote detective fiction that is openly derivative of Arthur...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
Green Ginger

Green Ginger

„Green Ginger” is one of the humorous story from mixed collection of sixteen short stories by the author of the Martin Hewitt, Investigator series. Collects several mysteries, including a „Cunning...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
Tales of Mean Streets

Tales of Mean Streets

„Tales of Mean Streets”, published in 1894, is a collection of short stories describing the appalling conditions that many working people endured. These stories are a brilliant evocation of a...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
The Dorrington Deed Box

The Dorrington Deed Box

English writer Morrison chronicles the exploits of Horace Dorrington, a raconteur and scoundrel who hails from a very different social strata than the typical Victorian detective. Mr. Dorrington...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
A Child of the Jago

A Child of the Jago

„A Child of the Jago” is London-born journalist Arthur Morrison’s best known novel. It was first published in November 1896 and is set in a fictional East End slum known as the Jago, which...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
The Red Triangle

The Red Triangle

Fourth and last collection of detective fiction featuring Martin Hewitt, a famous private detective whose methods closely resemble those of Sherlock Holmes. The plot lines of all six linked...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
The Adventures of Martin Hewitt

The Adventures of Martin Hewitt

Who else could have so quickly connected a partial sheet of music wrapped around a rock and tossed through a sitting room window with an infamous decades-old robbery? Would anyone else have taken...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
The Chronicles of Martin Hewitt

The Chronicles of Martin Hewitt

Second collection of detective fiction concerning Martin Hewitt, a famous private detective whose methods closely resemble those of Sherlock Holmes. The anthology is composed of six short stories,...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
The Hole in the Wall

The Hole in the Wall

Morrison, a novelist and short-story writer, is most often remembered for a series featuring the detective Martin Hewitt, but before that, he wrote several grim and violent books about life in the...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
The Green Eye of Goona

The Green Eye of Goona

Morrison’s most popular books are probably his detective stories, featuring Martin Hewitt, a methodical investigator, who uses his ability to be „thoroughly at home among any and every class of...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł
Martin Hewitt, Investigator

Martin Hewitt, Investigator

„Martin Hewitt, Investigator” is a collection of late Victorian short stories linked by the protagonist, Martin Hewitt. This book chronicles seven of Hewitt’s cases, and gave rise to his...
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24,90 zł 21,99 zł

Powieści kryminalne, sensacyjne i thrillery

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