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The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs nr 4/2016

The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs nr 4/2016

Articles Bartosz Wróblewski The Mystery of Political Stability in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan: Monarchy and the Crisis of State Governance in the Arab World (s.7) Serious political crises...
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23,00 zł 16,99 zł
The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs nr 4/2015

The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs nr 4/2015

Armen Grigoryan Armenia’s Membership in the Eurasian Economic Union: An Economic Challenge and Possible Consequences for Regional Security The article reviews the background of Armenia’s decision...
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23,00 zł 16,99 zł
Zarządzanie Publiczne nr 4(42)/2017

Zarządzanie Publiczne nr 4(42)/2017

W numerze [Contents] János Kornai: Zrewidowany paradygmat systemowy. Wyjaśnienia i dodatkowe elementy w świetle doświadczeń państw postsocjalistycznych – część druga [The system paradigm...
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13,00 zł 9,99 zł